I am Prajwal Waingankar

Self-taught Android Developer,Programmer by Religion,Passionate towards goals

Name: Prajwal Waingankar

Profile: Android Developer

Email: prajwalwaingankar@gmail.com

Phone: (+91) 7304154312


Android 90%
Core Java 90%
MySQL, SQLite 90%
Kotlin 70%
Javascript 90%
About me

I am a self-taught Android Developer!

Founder & Developer: Nivala(android app)- An initiative to Save food and Share it to the needy!
I am proficient in developing Android applications, Version Controlling and Playstore Releases of Application holding a Playstore Developer account. I believe in the idea of developing apps with fewer number of clicks, ease of understanding and simplicity along with quality to target every audience of users. Experience with UI/UX by understanding and developing high end apps as per user requirements.

Concepts: RxJava, RxAndroid, RxRoom, Room, JetPack Android Library, Retrofit, API, HTTP protocols and network connection, Workmanager, Jobscheduler, AlarmManager, BroadcastReceiver, JSON, XML, Node.js, DAO, DTO, MPAndroidCharts, POJO, Google Maps integration, GeoLocation tagging, Firebase Cloud Messaging.
Tools & Technologies: Firebase, Postman, Android Support Library, Genymotion, JIRA, Confluence, Slack, Github, Gitkraken, Git, Openmrs, Freemind, Figma, MPAndroidCharts, Zoom.
Web service protocols: JSON, XML, HTTP, OAuth2, Hashing Algorithms.
Localization: App Localization along with RTL language support (Arabian).

Graphs & Charts: Implemented graphs & charts using the MPAndroidChart library.
Marketing Platform: Facebook App Events for Android.
Databases: SQLite, Room, RDBMS, MySQL.
Background Process & Services: RxJava, RxAndroid, Async Tasks, Workmanager, Jobschedulers, AlarmManager, BroadcastReceivers.

Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC): Agile method, Waterfall method and others.
Testing: UI testing using Espresso, Unit Testing using Junit & Mockito libraries.
3rd Party app integration: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook and more to come.
Security in applications: SHA256 and Hashing techniques used to secure user credentials.

Others: Compatibility of apps with latest versions, Support to all screen sizes & densities, Whitelisting the HTTP based urls for latest android versions, Google Playstore App Listing, App Releases, App Updation, Maintaining Release Notes on Github, Google Developer Policies, Targeting correct audiences, Release App updates.


I <3 to provide some services to my customers.

Projects Android

Create & provide high-end extensively tested android application projects for students/customers for prices at their convenience without negligence to quality & performance.

Teaching Android

Teaching was always my dream and I endeavour for sharing the knowledge required for beginner level Android Development.
For syllabus mail at: Gmail Link

Youtube Android

I have my own Youtube channel created to share my knowlede, passion to users. If you want to get access to it, Click below: Youtube Channel.










A glimse of my projects that I have officially launched on the Google Play Store .
Number of projects that I have worked on for companies (Intelehealth, Inc.)


Android Application / 12 Feb. 2019

AyurNivid-Covid Tracker

Android Application / 20 Apr. 2020


Intelehealth, Inc. / 26 Jan. 2020


Intelehealth, Inc. / 07 Apr. 2020